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Merry Christmas Santa Claus Riding Boston Terrier Sweatshirt

Twice in the course of this discussion we have called attention to the change of color invariably undergone by temporary stars in the later stages of their career. Merry Christmas Santa Claus Riding Boston Terrier SweatshirtThis was conspicuous with Nova Persei which glowed more and more redly as it faded, until the nebulous light began to overpower that of the stellar nucleus. Nothing could be more suggestive of the dying out of a great fire. Moreover, change of color from white to red is characteristic of all variable stars of long period, such as ``Mira'' in Cetus. It is also characteristic of stars believed to be in the later stages of evolution, and consequently approaching extinction, like Antares and Betelgeuse, and still more notably certain small stars which ``gleam like rubies in the field of the telescope.'' These last appear to be suns in the closing period of existence as self-luminous bodies. Merry Christmas Santa Claus Riding Boston Terrier Sweatshirt. Between the white stars, such as Sirius and Rigel, and the red stars, such as Aldebaran and Alpha Herculis, there is a progressive series of colors from golden yellow through orange to deep red. The change is believed to be due to the increase of absorbing vapors in the stellar atmosphere as the body cools down. In the case of ordinary stars these changes no doubt occupy many millions of years, which represent the average duration of solar life; but the temporary stars run through similar changes in a few months: they resemble ephemeral insects -- born in the morning and doomed to perish with the going down of the sun.

Merry Christmas Santa Claus Riding Boston Terrier Sweatshirt

Merry Christmas Santa Claus Riding Boston Terrier Sweatshirt
Christmas Sweatshirt


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